During your evaluation, we will formulate a plan specifically tailored to you. The art of beauty should focus on results rather than on individual treatments.
Mesotherapy literally means injection of medication, but it frequently refers to injection of fat cell-destroying medications. Today, we use a medication called PC/DC (phosphatidylcholine/ deoxycholate), which is injected to cause breakdown of fat cells. PC/DC has been used for years for this purpose and is very safe. The pharmaceutical company, Allergan, has taken the deoxycholate from PC/DC and patented deoxycholic acid, which is known as KYBELLA®.
The area to be treated will be numbed up prior to treatment. You will then be injected in multiple sites (approximately 1 cm apart) with a very small needle. The area will swell immediately and there may be mild aching and/or bruising. You will be noticeably swollen for about one week and then it will progressively decrease over the next four weeks. Most body areas require 3-4 treatments spaced one month apart.
Results are seen approximately four weeks after each session.
The results are permanent as the fat cells are destroyed and reabsorbed by the body.
Pretty much any area in which you have stubborn fat: from belly to bra fat and under-eye fat pads to saddlebags.
Morpheus8 body is the same technology as Morpheus8 for face (RF microneedling), but bigger and deeper! It’s unique in that it can dissolve excess tissue and fat, while tightening the skin (unlike liposuction). Bipolar radiofrequency (RF) is the key—at certain depths and settings it dissolves tissue, at other depths and settings it generates collagen. Tighten and smooth and say goodbye to laxity and cellulite lumps!
Most clients do well with topical numbing alone, but we can also use some injectable, if needed. We have all the tricks, to include laughing gas if desired! The needles travel through the skin, but the RF energy is beneath the surface where we can’t see it. So, you might be a bit red, bruised and swollen, but the majority of the work is being done down deep. The entire treatment usually takes less than two hours (including numbing).
Everyone is different, as we know. Many clients will notice improvement even by the time they come in for their second appointment, but peak results are usually around six months.
Results are permanent. If your weight fluctuates, that will affect your results. You should not need to repeat the entire series if you are good about periodic maintenance to stay on top of the collagen loss.
Belly, bra fat, bat wings, thighs… You name it!
It’s ninja magic, is what it is! The EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) pads set on the surface of the skin, while the current travels to the muscles to stimulate and contract. It’s like doing 20,000 crunches in a 30-minute session and leads to muscle toning and definition. A few spa visits or many gym visits? I’ll take spa, please.
The pads will be strapped to your area of concern and set up according to your body’s specifications. You hang out for 20-30 minutes while you feel your muscles contract and the device does the work! Other than some post-workout soreness, this is a no-downtime procedure!
It’s just like going to the gym. It will take a bit for the muscle to build up and grow, but many people can see results even by their second appointment.
Do you plan to keep going to the gym? The results can last as long as you like!
Abdomen is the most common area, but it can be used on arms, buttocks, and thighs as well!
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